Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!
(thank goodness for those pilgrims, right?!)

I'm mentally preparing myself for the complete domination I will have over the kitchen...and the buffet!
I hope you all have a relaxing weekend,
filled with full bellies, friends and family, and thoughts of what you are personally thankful for.

Here are a few things I'm thankful for at the moment:

1. The fact that no matter what my day has been like, I can go home to the unconditional love of this man and dog.

2. Our trip to Fredricksburg, Texas this summer. Including all of the following: summer air, boutique shops, fields of lavender, the smell of wine, and the windows down with the radio up.

3. This cookbook has saved my life. It's up there on the all time favorites list...

4. America, the place that gives us the freedom to enjoy the simple things in life that we sometimes take for granted like: Fort Worth, Texas, golf on a Sunday afternoon, and shops like these.

6. Girl's Honeymoon to Wildcatter Ranch with some of the best people I know.

Wishing you all the best!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hostess Gifts: Culinary Chic

Christmas Decorations are filling the shelves.
{again with the time warp}

The holiday season is here.
The coming months will be full of delicious food, fabulous parties, and stretchy pants!
Slightly kidding...

There will be festive celebrations. And what is a more charming gesture than thanking your hostess with the mostess with something super fabulous and personal? Wait for it....nothing!

So today here's some suggestions for the culinary chic:
Don't leave home without them!

Enchanted Buck Measuring Cups $48
{I would totally use these}

Imprinted Palette Egg Caddy $24
{for the artsy}

Recipe Cards $14
{wouldn't it be lovely if you included a favorite family recipe as a surprise?!}

Spring Mix Apron $28
{for the girlie girl}

Fishnet Wine Tote Two Bottle $18
{for the many concerts in the garden}

Multicolor Drinkware $235 for 6
{gorgeous. period}

Panettone $39.95
{makes delicious french toast or a beautiful centerpiece}

Stay tuned for more unique hostess gifts...

Got a date with my Chick-fil-a,

Monday, November 8, 2010

Time Warp

Lately, I feel like my life is on fast forward.
*Attend weddings, make appointments, Don't forget to shower, Feed Dog, Feed Husband, Clean House...on and on*
The days are blending into months.
Wowza, time to slooooow it down. {ya right!}

The only time I feel like I have completely to myself is on the way to work, out in Dallas-land.
{As Railhead so eloquently puts it: "Life's too short to live in Dallas"}

At least I have some beautiful sunrises to keep me company.
{nice crack in my windshield, huh?}
Highway-1; Windshield-0

Changing gears. TCU is #3 in the BCS. That game aganist Utah...absolute massacre.
We were jumping on my sofa we were so happy we won! Way to go Frogs!

Time to go take Christmas card photos with Dukeroon and the hubs...stay tuned for proofs.

On cruise control,